Recipes Home » Dinner » Cauliflower Sandwich with Cheese and Roast beef
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Sandwich bread / fritters

  1. Preheat the oven to 250C / 480F using hot air.
  2. Divide the cauliflower into smaller pieces and then grind it into fine flour with a blender
  3. Then mix it in a bowl with the other ingredients (almond flour or sesame seeds, eggs, olive oil, a little cheese and salt). I stirred everything with a fork
  4. You may want to season the mixture a little with i.e. thyme/oregano.
  5. Then form the mixture on a baking tray lined with baking sheet. If you use the whole cauliflower, you can make thicker sandwiches. With half a cauliflower, they become quite thin.
  6. Then put the bottom into the oven for 15 minutes. This can be different from oven to oven, so watch them so they don't get burned. The "bread" should have a golden color when you take it out.
Make the sandwich
  1. With the "bread" ready use a pizza knife to cut them into appropriate sizes.
  2. Add the type of filling you prefer (I use slices of roast beef and cheese).
  3. Add to slices of bread together and fry in a frying pan or put back in the oven until the cheese has melted. 

You can use the same recipe and make smaller fritters that you can use as a side with a dip.

1 Comment  |  Steinar Larsen and 1 other like this.
  • Steinar Larsen
    Steinar Larsen   ·  19.04.2018
    Denne likte jeg! Eneste problemet er at det jo tar litt tid å lage siden man først må lage "brødene" før man kan lage sandwichen. Men den kan fryses så her er det bare å lage opp og putte i fryseren for en nydelig lavkarbo sandwich når enn man måtte ønske.